Series “Museumpieces & Replicators”
«Aller Anfang ist digital. Meine ‹Findlinge› und ‹Museumsstücke› erwecke ich mit Hilfe eines 3-D-Programms am Bildschirm zum Leben.
“The first step is digital. The context for my ʻfoundlings’ and ʻMuseum Pieces’ are always the lattice models in a three-dimensional space. Only the full ʻdigital’ range of the 3-D computer program allows me to combine positive forms with negative forms. The analog and thus the classical part of the process is to be applied by means of images on the ʻpieces’ in the use of textures (taken by camera out in the nature). Light sources in different positions, shapes and colors contribute to the dynamics and plasticity.The circle closes, as soon as the finished work finds its way from the virtual world to the physically existing touchable canvas.
The main input for my work comes from nature. It can result from meteorites, organic creatures or giant-like bacteria, sculptures made of cast iron, stone, brass or bronze, cavities of a casting process, deposits of limestone, sediments from the deep sea or accessories for ritual cults from the past or the future? Or simply colored fittings that stimulate the eyes to develop their own imagination? The series ʻReplicators’ deliberately focuses on representational confusion. Usually there are sculptures made of heavy material or hardware to keep the rigid spiral in shape.”
All works are printed with lightfast inks on high-quality canvas.
© 2000-2006 Gianni Abner